GMBC AGM chooses the first elected Executive Committee

Thursday, November 19, 2015 (All day)

In line with the decision of the Founding Executive Committee to hand over to an elected EC at the earliest, elections to the EC have been on top of the agenda of the GMBC’s first AGM. The following EC members have been chosen: Jens Knoke (Henkel), Philipp Hoffmann (JJPun), Andreas Schantz (Uniteam), Marita Schimpl (Myanmar Survey Research) and Christoph Steinwehe (Loi Hein). According to the statutes, the Executive Committee has casted EC positions in an internal vote, appointing Jens Knoke as President, Philipp Hoffmann and Christoph Steinwehe as Vice Presidents, Marita Schimpl as Secretary General and Andreas Schantz as Treasurer.